Saturday, August 13, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Time to be back...its been way too long...
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Yet again...the garden produces another tasty venture.
Viola...delish...mouthwatering...they only lasted about 10 mins in our house last night!!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Hail Ceasar!!
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Potatoes have BEETLES!
It's actually a Colorado Potato Beetle and these darn things are tough to get rid of. So I caved and allowed him to buy some insecticide...there goes our organic potato patch ~ not that it was ever intended to be. So please Mother Nature, rid our garden of these pesky beetles, so Mr. Gardener can sleep at night!!
Monday, June 28, 2010
How does your garden grow?
Well how does it grow? Well it grows lush, green, and full food! And good food. My childhood is full of vivid memories of my grandparents garden. I would spend some of summer vacation with them every year ~ deep in the trenches of their garden. Pulling weeds, picking berries, and the occasional gopher homicide would occur. But that's the life of the "gardener". My green thumb was found at a young age and even know at 33 it's still going strong as ever. And now I have passed it onto Barry who has actually become a bit of a garden obsessive complusive stalker....all seem quite fitting.
So into the jungle of our garden...we have 25 tomatoes plants, 10 peppers (which are 85 days until maturity I am forever reminded of by Mr. Gardener), three rows of wax and green beans, romaine, carrots, potatoes, leaf lettuce, and the wonderful two rows of plentiful raspberries. Just the word raspberry makes my mouth water. YUMMMMMMMMY.
And to think that all winter while everyone is eating tasteless cans of supermarket tomatoes, beans, and carrots...Mr. Gardener and I will be living the dream at our kitchen table which will reek of plentiful flavour. Mmmmmmm....the thought just makes me want to salivate.
Just think my budget of $15.00 for seeds will feed us for a year. Amazing to think that such a small amount of money can reap such huge benefits! Our ancestors lived this way so why can't society adapt backwards again...Mr. Gardener sure did...easy transition folks...
Stayed tuned for more Gardening news....
Monday, February 8, 2010
Well we haven't hit the topic of Junebooger yet...well his real name is Junebug, but deep down inside those 1100 lbs - he's a Junebooger! He's huge and he has the hairest legs you have ever seen...and feet that stink too...he's your typical guy. But he's a gem. He's the biggest softie you will ever meet.
He came from Northern BC - a little town called Farmingtown which is between Dawson Creek and Fort St. John. He was born and raised in the north...he can handle the cold like a champ, ask his ears...they have the slightest scarring of frostbite on the tips. He was started by Curt who lives at the Hutterite Colony. He was given an unbelievable education. Curt really put alot of heart and effort into this big guy. He was then purchased by my MOTHER - who doesn't even ride anymore...and he was immediately transported to my doorstep. Which of course I didn't mind at all. He's handsome - why would I say no. Off to more school he went to learn to barrel race with my a dear friend of mine, Sarah Gerard.
And I guess we'll keep him, he's a great horse. Quiet, obedient, kind hearted - except to Skeeter who he has a love hate relationship with...I wish the two of them could just figure it out...their drama makes me crazy!