Tan Check

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Yet again...the garden produces another tasty venture.

On my way home from work yesterday, I had thoughts of what to do with all my dill that is feverishly growing in my garden. It's getting rather large and thick...and like it's name (dill weed) it's getting a little wild and weedy. I needed something for my breakfast and happened to be craving Tim Hortons...and I had a vision! Baking Powder Biscuit with dill and cheddar. So once I got home I immediately went out and picked some dill. I was very generous with my picking too I might add. Inside I went and started my expirement.

2 Cups of Flour
4 tsp Baking Powder
1 tsp seasoning salt
Sift together twice. Makes it extra light and fluffy.
1/3 Cup of Margarine or butter (I am anti-butter so I used margarine)
Cut into flour mixture until fine and grainy looking.
6-8 Sprigs of dill weed leaves chopped finely
1 Cup shredded Old Cheddar
Mix into Flour mixture.
3/4 c of Milk plus 2 tbsp.
Add to the flour mixture. Stir well. If it seems a little runny you can just a flour.
Make into balls about the size of a lemon. Plop down onto your baking sheet and lightly flatten out.
Bake in the oven at 375 F for 20 mins.

Viola...delish...mouthwatering...they only lasted about 10 mins in our house last night!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hail Ceasar!!

The romaine is ready, the romaine is ready!!! Yummy Ceasar salad tonight for dinner. Nothing like homegrown goodness. And Mr. Gardener was beaming this morning when he picked it! The first ingredient of his masterpiece for dinner tonight. I could just see it oozing with Vitamin D. Made me salivate at its leafy presence...so this is how Rome was built...Hail Ceasar!!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Potatoes have BEETLES!

Oh dear...Mr. Gardener is beside himself! There are beetles in his beloved potato patch...the patch that he painstakenly planted (while I watched of course ~ it had be overseen) and he is fretting. Not just your normal fret either folks...I mean he is downright fretting, losing sleep over these dang beetles. Yes they are doing damage, but it's a beetle. Squish it firmly and rejoice!

It's actually a Colorado Potato Beetle and these darn things are tough to get rid of. So I caved and allowed him to buy some insecticide...there goes our organic potato patch ~ not that it was ever intended to be. So please Mother Nature, rid our garden of these pesky beetles, so Mr. Gardener can sleep at night!!